速報APP / 遊戲 / Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cu

Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cu



檔案大小:278.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cute Pets  Will Teach (圖1)-速報App

Our colorful, Baby Animals app introduces your toddler to a wonderful world of baby birds, puppies, jungle and farmyard animals. Feeding these cute little critters is so much fun – and educational too!

With its bright, interactive graphics, cheerful soundtrack and a friendly voice to help your little-one along, our app is perfect for play and early learning. The app is easy to operate – even with small fingers. A simple tap, swipe or drag triggers all kinds of fun sounds, actions and animations – perfect for developing your child’s dexterity and coordination.

Feed the animals their favorite treats one-by-one, and count along as they munch each morsel. Tap to hear each animal’s name, along with its hungry chirp or roar. You and your little-one can even create a cute “selfie” snapshot with all of your new animal friends!

Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cute Pets  Will Teach (圖2)-速報App


• Select your parent and baby playmates from wide range of animal options.

• The app has a cheerful soundtrack, with animal noises and sound effects.

Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cute Pets  Will Teach (圖3)-速報App

• Features a friendly human voice for counting, learning animal names and offering instructions.

• Helps to develop your child’s dexterity and coordination.

• Teaches your child how to pronounce parent and baby animal names.

Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cute Pets  Will Teach (圖4)-速報App

• Feeding game teaches counting from 1 to 10.

• Uses the built in camera on your device to create a cute, animal framed Selfie.

Baby Animals Learning Games! Your New Cute Pets  Will Teach (圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad